Cupido, Uranian Planet of Family & Creativity
by Eileen Nauman
Copyright 1998 Eileen Nauman
All Rights Reserved
UPDATE 2010: As with anything, time, age and experiences increases one wisdom of understanding. I undertook a six-month work of love to redefine the Uranian planets into a modern context of understanding. And I produced these eight monographs on them. Now, twelve years later, with more knowledge and experience, I am adding my latest understanding of them in this blog.
SYMBOL: It is the glyph of Jupiter with the glyph of Venus. Cupido is the ‘higher octave’ of Venus on a more physical level (childbirth) whereas Neptune is the highest octave, denoting a more spiritual facet of Venus. It is the Greek god, Eros, or “love”. The Romans called him Cupido.
MYTH: Cupid (Roman) was called Eros by the Greeks. Cupido is Latin that means “desire.” Cupid was the god of erotic love and beauty. He was the son of Venus and Mars (although other myths have recorded his father as Mercury or Jupiter, too). He is depicted with a bow, a quiver of arrows and wings. When Cupid shot his arrow into someone, they fell obsessively in love with someone. Or, the other arrows, inspired hate instead. He was eventually married to beautiful Psyche.
- Getting pregnant–Cupido/Venus, Cupido/Mars, Cupido/Jupiter, Cupido/Zeus, Cupido/Apollon (twins or multiple births).
- Birth of a child.
- Labor begins.
- Fertility (or lack of it–Cupido/Hades, Cupido/Saturn or Cupido/Admetos denotes inability to be fertile or miscarriages Cupido/Uranus or bacterial/virus causes infertility problems Cupido/Neptune).
- Miscarriage–Cupido/Admetos, Cupido/Saturn, Cupido/Neptune or Cupido/Uranus
- Childbirth via surgery or C-section: Cupido/Uranus, Cupido/Mars
- Fetal distress/strangulation by cord around neck of fetus during birthing–Cupido/Neptune, Cupido/Admetos
- Twins or multiple births, are born–Cupido/Apollon
- Health problems in relation to breakup with spouse.
- Health problems in relation to family problems/stresses on the Cupido person.
- Codependency issues are magnified here; person has a victim’s mentality, and may have health problems that result in this ‘give-give-give’ scenario; leaching off of Cupido’s energy psychically, they become drained, their adrenals depleted, etc., and immune system goes down. Getting out of their codependent behavior will resolve this.
- Over-responsible one in the family–first born, or person who takes care of the family when they are young–too young, to do so. This sets up Cupido who is stressed out, used/abused by other family members. To resolve it, Cupido needs to break old conditional familial patterns from the past and let others be responsible for themselves.
- Community involvement which drains Cupido, or uses/abuses the privilege of their community-minded reality. Stress on the immune system results.
- Group involvement which drains Cupido, or uses/abuses the privilege of their community-minded reality. Stress on the immune system results.
- Problem with their children which uses/abuses the privilege of their child-minded reality. Stress on the immune system results.
- Chief “caregiver” or “caretaker,” which uses/abuses the privilege of their responsibility to spouse/children/family reality. Stress on the immune system results. They get burned out/fatigued/used up and exhausted.
- Trying to please others to the detriment of their own needs/wants/desires/goals/dreams. Another facet of victim/codependent behavior.
- They have been trained to “give, give, give” but not to “take.” They were taught ‘taking’ was selfish. This pattern must be broken or poor health will result, eventually, for them.
- They spread themselves too thin for family, group, and community-minded projects and responsibilities and stress themselves out. The original “Super Mom” who wants to “do it all”–but there is a price for this reality.
- An orphan. Adopted. Cupido/Admetos, Cupido/Saturn, Cupido/Pluto.
- Rejected by the family which sets up an incredible stress that can result in disease–unless Cupido can see the positive benefits of no longer being aligned with the dysfunctional family unit.
- Death or unexpected chronic illness in the family puts undue stress on Cupido.
- Tragedy in the family–usually ‘close’ family connection, but can include aunts, uncles and grandparents as well.
- Cupido people are elegant looking, dress well, fashionably and are extremely social.
- Their world centers on their family, their children (most of all), and their community. They are intimately tied to and understand the tenet “we are all connected” energetically with one another. Or, “it takes a village to raise a child,” mentality.
- You will find them active in the community in numerous ways. They are social organization joiners and worker bees and helpers. They serve the poor at a soup kitchen, or they create their own mission in order to help those less fortunate. These are charismatic individuals. Their smile can make another feel like the warmth of the sun is shining upon them.
- They are the type to join the Lion’s club, the Elks, the Soroptimist Club, etc. Their altruism is part of their spirit’s expression. They believe in helping others get back on their feet and getting ahead.
- They believe in working TOGETHER. They understand that one is strong, but two is stronger, concept.
- They are teamwork oriented and minded. Their natural enthusiasm for a positive outcome drives them to “herd” people together and get them all moving in the same direction. They are past masters of this.
- “All for one; one for all” is their motto.
- Gangbanger. Their ‘family’ becomes a gang.
- Within corporations, these people are in the Personnel and Human Resources department or work within the corporation for the people who are a part of it. Team leaders. Union leaders. Group leaders.
- They are very unhappy being single. Marriage, to them, is the ultimate. They NEED a partner in order to feel “whole”. Divorce is very shattering to them; more so than any other Uranian planet. And if they don’t get married, they live with a significant other.
- The devastation of a loss of a child, spouse, parent or a part of their family plays powerful havoc on them and often, they will get a disease six months to a year after the loved one dies if they don’t properly process their grief. Or, start processing old family patterns that have caused serious dysfunction in them as an individual (vs. the family personality).
- They like the consensus of people approving what they do; but this can get into a victimization/crutch-like situation if not watched. In the healthy, they can create/build consensus among others very successfully.
- They do things to receive the ‘pat on the head’ for good work. They need a lot of verbal praise. In the unhealthy spectrum, “lap dogs” or a person who is always doing for others to receive some kind of acknowledgment from another.
- They are super creative people, highly artistic, and may be found in any ‘creative’ kind of career such as a painter, artist, owner of a flower shop, sewing clothing, quilt designer, creating fashion clothing, sculpture, jewelry making, a business partnership (this is best for them–they aren’t going to start a business on their own), grant writers, philanthropic organizations, any kind of art medium expression, works in governmental office at city, state or federal level, kindergarten teacher, day care helper, grade-school teacher, works for 911, works in a crisis center, or any kind of function involving ‘group’ or ‘community’ ties.
- At their worst, psychic vampire mentality where (usually a woman) has no individuality. Rather, she “clings” to others who she perceives as stronger than her. She then falls into the passive aggressive behavior pattern. She literally can ‘drain’ a person of life-giving energy within fifteen minutes but she is unconscious of her dire neediness. No belief in Self. No confidence. Low self-esteem.
- In an unhealthy way, the mother becomes a “helicopter parent” protecting her child(ren) from all the hurts, slings and arrows of Life. Her children then go out into the world completely unprepared and do not know how to survive, much less deal with defeat and failure.
- A woman who puts having children as priority as the most important thing in her life. Some are sterile/infertile and they become obsessed with having a baby. Surrogates figure in here and so does adoption.
- OCD, obsessive-compulsive disorder figures in here. And it covers any type or kind, not just falling obsessively in love with another person.
- Stalkers who have no independent personality of their own and who perceive a Hollywood star or some famous person as the most important obsession in their life.
- Family abuse figures prominently with this Uranian planet. Cupido/Saturn, Cupido/Hades, Cupido/Admetos, Cupido/Pluto.
- Good fortune, good luck and abundance. Again, it is worked for, but these people seem to have “Grace,” and get some lucky breaks. Lotto winners.
- The life revolves around issues of love and of being loved. How to be loving. How to receive love from others (especially if the person doesn’t believe they are lovable). Working out of the heart chakra to not only learn the levels of love but then moving upward into a state of continual compassion.
- Always optimistic about Life. No matter how down they get, or how tough their life is, they always see the positive side of it. They are very optimistic people, generally speaking. They see beauty in everything and everyone.
- At their best, a Cupido person is like an over flowing cornucopia who not only receives that magnificent bounty but also shares it with others.
- On a spiritual level, Cupido can connect the person with their divineness. This means they could bring back incredible skills from former lifetimes and utilize them in this incarnation. This only happens when the person aligns themselves with their own, inner core of who they are in this lifetime.
- “We are all related,” a Native American saying, holds true here. Whether it is the web of the Internet, the web of the family, the web of coworkers and your job, everything is seen as being related to one another.
- When they are teachers, they imbue students with a sense of curiosity and adventure. They are able to trigger the child for a love of ever expanding their world
- Heals better at ‘home’ than in hospital.
- Home is their base of operation.
- Having family members around helps them heal (provided they aren’t the cause of more friction/stress).
- Likes to be nurtured, supported, pampered, and cared for by others (vs. Admetos and Hades who want to be left alone to heal up).
- Home is the “chicken soup” to help an ailing Cupido person get well.
- Drawing, sketching, and painting are doorways to the soul of Cupido–to draw them out or to heal them up.
- Suggest taking an art class to them.
- Suggest painting the rooms in the house, new wallpaper or carpet–something within the home to spur their interest and get them focused and healthy.
- They would be great at artistic computer graphics, creation of web pages, etc.
- Likes to be visited while ill, by friends, family, group and community; lifts their spirits and engages their desire to live and get well.
- Family harmony will get Cupido well.
- Likes to sew and make clothes or create clothes designs. Also like knitting, crocheting, and needlepoint; get them interested.
- Fascinated with herbs, aromatherapy, odors/fragrances of perfumes–inspire/support them to make them or make a line of herbal unguents. Or urge them to make flower essences since they love flowers so much in every form.
- Fresh flowers and living plants in their room where they are ill, helps them. Bring them some pots and seeds and have them grow them in the room.
- Have music they like, where they are convalescing. Music heals their spirit and inspires their soul. Music THEY like–not what YOU like!
- Willow–the ‘crutch’ essence to help the person stand on their own two feet to express themselves.
- Desert Paintbrush–to tap into their artistic vein instead of leaning on others, or supporting others in urging them to be creative; they learn to honor what they bring to the table and express it.
- Owls Clover–for those who are of a victim consciousness or codependent in behavior.
- Desert Globemallow–so that Cupido can see herself clearly and all the wonderful artistic skills and organizational skills she has. Change of perception about ourselves; perceiving ourselves more clearly.
- Yarrow (all colors)–for those who cannot say “no” to a person, group, their family, etc. This instills strong, clear, healthy boundaries for the person who is a victim or codependent.
- Delilah Rose–useful for pregnant mothers. This is called the child birth essence. Gives nurturing support to the mother particularly in the last trimester.
- Amber–helps to ground Cupido and supply organizational endurance in the project(s) they choose to undertake. It also gives them a realistic expectation of what they can or can’t do so they don’t give away themselves at their expense.
- Agate–protects the victim/codependent Cupido and stops the leaching of psychic energy from them by others.
- Black tourmaline–stops the sucking of energy from them by another person or group. Powerful and protecting.
- Red Garnet–gives Cupido a boost in energy when they are very tired and yet, need a little more ‘oomph’ to complete the given task. Great for mothers with a new baby in the family.
Rules for Planetary-Pictures: The Astrology of Tomorrow by Witte-Lefeldt (can be purchased at below website)
The Combination of Stellar Influences by Reinhold Ebertin, 1972 edition. Ebertin-Verlag 7080 Aalen, Germany
Janis Page, “Cupido Meditation.” Posted on Athena list 1.9.2001. Copyright Janis Page.
Penny’s website has all the information you could want on the Uranian planets. I highly recommend all these books below for those interested in Uranian Astrology. Have fun 🙂
Uranian Astrology Manual
Cosmobiology Conference – Phoenix Workshop by Penelope Bertucelli
Handbook of Techniques For Hamburg School by Brumund and Rudolph