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Powerful Global Sites

What is a powerful global sites?

There are many well-known power sites around the world. In Europe, these locations are obvious because every Gothic church was built over earlier temple sites. Before that, Iron Age people built stone circles to indicate the presence of vortexes. As long as humans have been aware of energy on this planet, they have known about these areas.

Millions of years ago, ceremonies were performed on sites in Africa. Later, as humans spread throughout Europe, the Middle East, and Asia, they left stone circles to indicate places of power. The Romans came and built temples over these sites, after which the Catholic Church destroyed these temples or removed the ruins, and built their beautiful Gothic churches over them. I’ve visited quite a few Gothic cathedrals in England and other parts of Europe over the years and found that sometimes the energy is closed down or dormant; at other times, it’s fully operational, doing what it’s supposed to do to keep stability and harmony in that locale.

Vortexes always draw human activity. This happens because we are the children of Mother Earth and everything is connected, whether we realize it or not. Energy is always flowing in and around us, and wherever vortexes or other natural phenomena emerged from the ground, ancient humans built a sacred site around it. Ancient humans worshipped Earth and acknowledged that She was a living being. They understood that we are Her children, along with all other species, from the birds to the amoebas—everything is alive because of her, and everything is connected by an invisible umbilical cord (via the root chakra) between itself and Mother Earth.

From the beginning of time, humans were grounded and in tune with Her. It was easy for them to feel shifts and changes in energy. They could feel the various dimensions—fourth, fifth, etc.—of energy that surrounded a volcano, which could extend out a mile or more, depending upon the strength of the volcano. They could perceive where energy came shooting out of a fissure in the earth, or the nurturing, maternal energy contained within a cave. Everywhere they went, they could feel these dynamic, living changes rippling across Earth’s surface and beneath it.

            As ancient ancestors moved on to our more modern ancestors, this wisdom and information survived via stories and later in petroglyphs and other symbols. Our forebears created circles of stones throughout Europe and the United Kingdom. They later built Stonehenge, Avebury, Woodhenge and other monuments; they worked with the energy of the area, then passed it on and made a “telephone line” energy system. They created dolmans, barrows, mounds, and tors (manmade hills that resemble a mountain). Tors can be found on the Salisbury Plain near Avebury Circle, and Glastonbury in southwest England. People moved all the soil and rock to create these megalithic mountains that rose up out of the flat plains or gentle hills. In this way, these early societies could support and transmit energy to the next destination.