Part 2: Spirit Guides – Who Are They, What Do They Do For Us, And How To Work With Them
Copyright 2021 Eileen Nauman
Everyone has a Chief Guide (CG). In some religions, they are referred to as your ‘guardian angel.’ The CG knows everything about you, your incarnation, and your map and what you want to learn. You never have more than one CG. And the CG stays with you from the time you are conceived, until you are guided out of your body to pass over into spirit once more. And even then, after you are over that lifetime, the CG is still there as one of your mentors to talk about what you did or did not learn in that last incarnation.
Depending upon how asleep (your psychic ability is turned off) or awake (some psychic ability and listens closely to their intuition) you are as a soul, you will acquire guides that you can accept (they will show up in your dreams, but rarely). Example: if in this incarnation you are afraid of snakes, the guide will not come in looking like a snake to scare you. On the other hand, if you aren’t afraid of snakes, you may have one as a guide. Spirit guides take on a ‘guise’ of that which is acceptable to you. Let’s say you love horses. Well, one of them will most likely be a horse. Or, you love cats. There will be cat spirit guide. Whatever you love, like or accept as safe and desired, that is how your spirit guides will show up to you. Remember, they are interdimensional and they can shape shift easily into whatever is acceptable to you in this given personality for this incarnation.
Shamans are a very different deal and in passing, I’ll say that all their spirit guides, including the CG, have been specially trained in shamanic work, and they are masters of it, and only that type will come in to aid and assist/protect the shaman. There are varying levels of mastery in spirit and CGs, and the shaman group (this is a path chosen by a soul), will acquire only shamanic spirit guides. And their spirit guides come in as to who they “really” are. Consequently, you may see a rhino, a snake, a mole, or anything else around them, that is who they really are. They don’t need to be in a particular guise when working with their human counterpart shaman.
If you are fortunate enough to be in touch with one or more of your guides, and you can see them or ask them “what are you?” They may or may not tell you. It’s up to them and how much info they divest to you. If you had a spider as a spirit guide would that make you feel okay or would you be frightened of it? Same goes for a snake. Or anything else you might be disgusted or repulsed by. So, they shape shift into something acceptable to you so you don’t go into a hyper emotional reaction state.
Generally speaking, guides and your CG are your “silent partners” in spirit. They aren’t there to have a gab fest of communication with you on the conscious, 3D level. They are there to support and protect you. If someone is clairvoyant, then they may well see their guides, and other people’s guides, as well. But very few people are clairvoyant to that extent, to ‘see them.’ It’s an entirely different story with shamans and their zoo….they have telepathic communication with one another all the time. On some days, when I’m really busy, I feel like an air traffic controller at Chicago-O’Hare airport. I’m sending a particular guide to a specific person somewhere in the world. Or to a client who is in trouble and needs help but we’re five thousand miles apart. My shamanic guide I send can be there in milliseconds.
An example of this, a group of people are murdered by a gunman, and I (and other sister/brother shamans) will go with our guides to assist those who have died and help them because they are so confused and lost, not realizing they’re dead, but not understanding where they are at (and they can see their physical body lying dead, which upsets them even more). Our duty is to calm them, assist them and get them out of the grisly scene and into another dimension (we call it the Light World, but many would say it’s Heaven, depending upon their specific religious beliefs), where they can be cared for by other spirits waiting to help them. Our job is to get them off the battlefield, calmed and soothed so they will allow us to aid them in their transition.
If you want to try and speak or connect consciously with one of your guides? Before you fall asleep, ask one of them to come to you in a dream. See what happens. Spirit guides come in all sizes, shapes and colors. Some are human and you might even happily recognize who they are In my experience, Christian and Muslim religion clients may well have Jesus, Mother Mary or whomever they believe in, as a spirit guide. Or someone will prefer an angel over a dragon. Whatever your reality/belief system is in this incarnation? Those guides will mirror that so you are comfortable with their presence.
This is a short, abbreviated course in spirit guides, who they are, what they do, and what they’re responsible for in helping you in this incarnation.
Do you want to meet your spirit guides? Then stay tuned next week for Part 3 of this blog.