The Healing Power of Trees
Our mightiest trees around the world are huge movers of energy from 4D, the fourth dimension, into 3D, the third dimension, the world we all live in. They do this via their antenna-like trunks that connect the sky to Mother Earth. It is a two-way system, one shaft of golden energy comes down from 4D or other dimensions to the planet, and then a reciprocal one from Mother Earth moves up through the trunk and goes to the same place in 4D. It creates a balance, an anchor so that She, our Mother, can be fed properly with this energy or prana and she can be the beautiful planet that she is.
That is just one of many functions that a tree, regardless of which species or its age, does to feed Mother Earth with the incoming inter-dimensional energy that keeps the stability of the world in place. This cosmic and pranic energy is downloading into the planet via the trunk of every tree in the world. This invisible function is used in many ways to create harmony and balance the planet. Conversely, Mother Earth releases her own internal energy, also golden light to those who can see it, and sends it out into the Cosmos in order to create harmony and balance between the planet and our other dimensions.
That is why all trees around the world, whether a small, thin sapling or a giant like this magnificent redwood or Sequoia, are transporting this pranic cosmic energy into our planet on a daily basis. This is the more mystical or metaphysical side of what trees do. In the more observable 3D level, we can never forget that they also create oxygen so that other beings can live on Mother Earth as well.