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Working with volcanoes

Working with volcanoes

Volcanoes are Mother Nature’s way of moving, shaping, and reshaping Earth’s crust—and forming mountains by tectonic plate movement, among other things. From a walking the land perspective, one of the first things I do when entering a new area is find out if there has been an active, inactive, or dormant volcano on the land in the past because a volcano is a natural vortex creator. When magma from the core of the earth pushes upward and finds a fissure or crack in the crust to push through, a volcano is born. Because of the heat, pressure, and violence of the event, a vortex is automatically formed—the vortex created by the volcano can be male, female or androgynous. Volcano-created vortexes are the most powerful of all vortexes on Earth, and it is important to determine the gender of the vortex so that we know which direction the tornado-like spiral that emanates from the volcano’s opening is spinning.

A male-energy vortex spins clockwise and operates during the daylight hours from dawn to dusk. A female-energy vortex spins in a counter-clockwise direction and operates during the nighttime hours from dusk to dawn. An androgynous vortex, which is an integration of male and female energy, is a wild card energy-wise. For example, it can spin one way and then another, depending upon the time of day or night; or it might spin only one direction. When an androgynous vortex opens up and awakens, its spin is usually at a high frequency and rate of speed, energetically. The time it comes “online” to work/spin has to be found out by the person who lives around it with the use of a pendulum.


Volcanoes can also originate beneath the ocean, and because they are formed from the primordial fires of melted rock at the core of the earth, this is primarily birthing energy. From a psychological perspective, you can list how a volcano vortex affects a person living within its energy field. These are the potential areas of focus for you if living in the energy of a volcano vortex:

  • Birthing energy
  • Transformation
  • Swiftness
  • Changes
  • Fire
  • Violence
  • Creation
  • Power (use and abuse of it/empowerment or disempowerment)