Walking the Land: Grassy Knolls-Eileen Nauman, Part I
We had a lot of starts and stops in getting back to Grassy Knolls to check out our theory. Marty was a speaker at a Coptic conference for a week in Florida. And then it rained and it was muddy and cold here another week. On March 3rd, we had a ‘go’ day. It was cloudy and about 72F. Very nice. When we’d originally gone to Rainbow Bridge, we had invited Ramona Stites, artist and owner of Javadog Gallery in Cottonwood, Arizona, to join us. On that day, she could not. But today, she was with us!
We found our entrance point easily and we gave gifts of bird seed and asked permission of the spirits to enter the area once more. I was wondering if it was going to be as wild as it was the first time. I could see the Seven Grandmothers from Boynton Canyon, which is nearby, at the top of the hill waving us to hurry up and get up there. They said we had permission and to come on!
I had brought along birdseed as a gift for the local spirits. Marty not only had birdseed but blessed prayer flags from Nepal. She wanted to hang a prayer flag in each circle and I thought that was a wonderful idea. To think, a Tibetan lama had blessed these prayer flags and half a world away, they would be used as gifts here at Grassy Knolls. Wow.
Today, we looked for those other circles we’d found the first time around. I spotted the first and it sure wasn’t the grassy circle we’d seen weeks ago. But there it was—plain as the eyes in my head. How had I missed this before? But I had. I’ve done enough walking the land to know that when one is working in an androgynous vortex where parallel universes shift and mix in a constant changeover, that it would be very easy to miss. Today, I thanked the spirits that they allowed us to see this first one.
I first ask the spirits which direction to enter the circle. I was told the east gate entrance. Walking around, I went in and walked clockwise the circumference of it to show my sisters the layout of it energetically. Then, they came in and got settled. I saw the triangular peak that was opposite the Rainbow Bridge area. I’ve looked at maps and still can’t find a name for this peak, so I’m going to name it Pyramid Peak as a reference because it plays an important part in what happened today.
As I closed my eyes and began drumming, I saw the rainbow snake come out of her sipapu, or emergence hole at Rainbow Bridge.
This time, I saw her with seven feathers behind her head. Each was a different color. I mentally greeted her. She opened her mouth and the color red shot out of it and it came over the entire circle where we were standing. It covered the entire circle and then began spinning in a clockwise direction. It appeared like an upside down tornado with the narrow end hooking up to the sky. Then, I saw a counterclockwise red ‘tornado’ begin beneath our feet, diving very deep into the earth. I thought, “as above, so below.”
Then, the rainbow snake started moving and swaying to our music and flute. She then came up and out of her hole, her body going down to the southwest and curving along Dry Creek, past Doe Mountain, then Boynton and Long Canyon, past Isis Rock, around the Grassy Knolls area. Then, she wrapped this big red sheet of energy around Pyramid mountain once and brought it back to her sipapu where it connected. To me, it looked like a somewhat circular piece of red fabric that sparkled with energy. I had NO idea what this was all about but accepted it.
After I finished drumming, Marty played the Tibetan bells she’d brought with her. Their chiming was beautiful and right in line with my Tibetan drum and earlier, Mona’s Tibetan chanting.
After leaving our gifts in the first circle, which I felt was the Root Chakra, I felt drawn to move upward. We found the second circle about fifty feet above the first.
Again, we repeated our ceremony. This time, the Rainbow Snake shot orange into our circle and I took this to mean the color of the Navel Chakra. And once more, she created an orange panel of energy to repeat and follow the band of red energy. As I looked at it, I thought how huge it was and how wide. One color lay atop the other.
Last time, Marty had gone to this grassy circle which was about twenty-five feet from the Navel Chakra circle. The Rainbow Snake sent yellow color into this circle. That was the Solar Plexus Chakra. And she created a third panel of yellow energy atop the other two following the same path. Marty tied another blessed Nepalese prayer flag—only this time, it was with one of my white trail markers I’d tied to the tree on last visit. We all got a good laugh over that.
When we left that circle, I had a strange feeling about the fourth circle. It was, quite literally, next to the Solar Plexus one. And if one were to look at it, they would appear like the figure “8”; two round circles touching against one another. I’d never seen this double circle before. But, we went in and began our ceremony.
The Grandmother Snake sent green energy that is indicative of the Heart Chakra, into our circle. She then went on to create another huge energy panel made of green. As I looked up clairvoyantly, it was a beautiful circle around the entire area with tiers of bright, clean colors. I wondered what the snake was up too. And then, Marty said, “Look….” and she showed us the silver Tibetan bells—they had dragons on each! I laughed. The dragons and snake kingdom are one in the same. I just shook my head over this incredible synchronicity!
Here are the Tibetan bells and Marty noticed, they had dragons on them! We work with the Rainbow Snake and here are the dragons. Remember the dragon cloud at Rainbow Bridge? I love this synchronicity!
We found several fascinating rocks in the Heart Chakra circle. One Marty found looked like two hemispheres of a human’s brain.
Here is the rock that Marty found.
And then, she found another rock that literally, looks like the blue bird of happiness. As you look at its breast, you can see the rust red color that can possibly indicate the heart—where we were standing—in the Heart Chakra circle!
Here is the blue bird of happiness Marty found in the Heart Chakra circle. Simply amazing!
We hit turbulence in the next chakra, about fifty feet up on the hill from the last one. Ramona and I felt a ‘stuck’ energy here; as if blocked. Marty could feel the rigidity of the energy. Something wasn’t right in this circle. By walking the circle one can begin the breaking down process. When a human being teams up with the local spirits, blocked energy can be dissolved and persuaded to start moving like it should. That’s what we did.
Here you see the powerful and beautiful Pyramid Peak. You can see how the circle aligns directly with this mighty apu.
The Rainbow Snake sent a beautiful dark blue into this circle, the Throat Chakra. She then created an energy panel of blue atop all the others. I still couldn’t ‘get’ what she was building or what it was supposed to do or be. At no time did I mention any of this to Ramona and Marty. We all wanted to work independent of one another and not interfere with the process that was coming to us.
There was an interesting rock on one side of the Throat Chakra circle. And the design on it intrigued us. To me, it looked like a kiva with an opening. To Ramona, it looked like whale. To Marty, a dolphin. I counted the points of the abstract pattern on the black lava rock and there were seven of them.
Here is the strange rock in the Throat Chakra circle. What does it look like to you?
This was the Throat Chakra circle. Was that rock reflecting what Linda Skiba had said about this chakra reflecting all seven of them? Look at the photo and decide for yourself. And, in the center of the circle was this fantastic prickly pear cactus with her four arms going in all four directions. That was pretty cool.
Here Mona and Marty are talking about this cactus in the Heart Chakra circle that is aligned north and south. As if pointing north to the next chakra, the Throat.
The women began to find interesting rocks, as well. And then, Mona found what she called a butterfly stone within the circle.
As we left this circle, I still felt drawn to keep moving up the hill. I know that the circle I had worked in had been out to the east of these. And thus far, all these chakras were in an alignment of one above the other. I wondered how the circle I’d worked in weeks ago was going to fit into this picture. I knew it would, but not how.
About twenty feet above the Throat Chakra we found the Brow Chakra.
Here is the Brow Chakra rock. You can see its egg shape and the mysterious and beautiful red, orange and yellow rock with the design on it, on top of it. Mona’s feet are to the right so that you can see how large this lava rock really was.
And it was pretty interesting. Right in the middle of this circle was a huge, oval egg-like black lava rock.
Here is a close up of this unusual and beautiful rock. It is the size of a woman’s palm. Note the design.
And on it was another rock that was red and yellow-orange with a fascinating design on it. As I went in and walked the circle I came back to look at the design on the smaller rock that someone had placed on top of the black egg-like rock.
This is another rock within that same circle. There are two things about it. One, is the snake-like movement of the dark across the rock. second, if you follow the outline of the dark line, you can see the head of a snake with its triangular eye.
I was blown away. The designed clearly showed the rainbow snake leaving her sipapu, emergence hole and going to each of the chakras and placing color in each one of them here on Grassy Knolls. I showed it to my sisters and they were amazed.
This design was awesome and spoke strongly to me of what the Rainbow Snake was doing in working with us and the chakras on Grassy Knolls right now.
We performed our ceremony. Here, the Rainbow snake sent purple energy in funnel-like form. Then, she created a top panel of purple energy above the stacks of color that encircle the huge area. I still wondered what she was going to do with this stack of colors. Very near the brow chakra rock was a pair of white boulders. They reminded me of the two hemispheres of the brain.
Here are the two ‘brain halves’ just about one foot away from the Brow Chakra rock.
We left gifts on the Brow Chakra Rock. Marty gifted it with a beautiful turquoise rock. I added the birdseed.
Here are our offerings for this circle. Marty placed the beautiful piece of turquoise on it. Wonderful.
End of Part 1. Stay tuned for Part 2 tomorrow!