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Working with water

The “Blood” of Mother Earth

Water is considered the “blood” of Mother Earth. The rivers, streams, lakes, aquifers, oceans, etc., offer life to all living things on this planet. Water has a unique energy, giving off negative ions, which are the “good guys/girls,” while the human body gives off positive ions, the “bad guys/girls.” The more emotionally wounded we are, and the more stress we are under, the more positive ions collect in our chakras, jamming them up with what is considered “etheric debris.” This hampers the chakras from functioning properly and slows down their action, often resulting in our declining health. Positive ions are the garbage, and negative ions are the garbage collectors removing them from our aura, chakras, and physical body—the negative ion attracts the positive one and destroys it. Each chakra works with a specific endocrine gland in our body and is responsible for transforming prana, the food of the universe, and changing it from energy into useful content the glands can use in concert with their hormone releases. If the chakra becomes clogged up and sluggish, the prana cannot be funneled through and converted to a special energy that nurtures us and keeps us healthy.

Water naturally contains negative ions, so it attracts the positive ions we carry around like dust bunnies in our auric fields and chakras. Water cleanses us inside and out. We drink water to flush our systems and wash with it to cleanse our skin. The negative ions cleanse the invisible parts of aura and our chakras, pulling those nasty positive ions out and transmuting them, so they no longer diminish our health.

Water is the single most important element besides the oxygen that we breathe—we can’t live without either. But water has other attributes that air does not. From an energy standpoint, water on Mother Earth’s surface helps us feel better. When you are walking on the beach, don’t you feel lighter or in a better frame of mind afterward? Yes, because of the millions of negative ions in the air surrounding your aura as you walk along that beach. Best of all, if you live near (within a quarter mile or less) a body of water, it is like getting a daily “bath” with millions of negative ions in the air.

Bodies of water have just as many vortexes as a landmass does. The vortex might even be in the water, or along a shore or bank. You never know. The number and size of the vortexes depends on the size of the body of water. Something you should keep in mind is whether the body of water is running at a good rate or whether it is slow and stagnant like a swamp. If the river is wide, deep and flowing, there will be any number of vortexes of various sizes nearby.